Canceling Cancel Culture

2 March 2021

Series: Blog

Canceling Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is a real problem. It is not new. In fact, yesterday at Refresh Monday, we learned how the Pharisees tried cancelling Jesus. If you don’t think or act like someone else, it can put you right out of business. If you are a Christian, you’re in the minority. This means we are an easy target for cancel culture.

For example, Chic-Fil-a has received major blowback from Canadians. Chic-fill-a is very inclusive in their hiring process and serves anyone their delicious chicken. However, their biblical stance on sexuality has put them at the deep end of cancel culture. Many in the Toronto area have protested the restaurant from opening up more locations. There are many good approaches to take on cancel culture. Economically and politically are excellent ways. Today I want to present a biblical response to cancel culture.

How can we combat, cancel culture as Christians? Well, one thing is clear a social media war certainly won’t help.

 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

1. Pray

Boaz, is this all we can do? Sink back as cowards and pray? Well, it’s not the only thing we can do, but it is undoubtedly the most important.

Nehemiah was devastated to hear the temple was destroyed. He mourned and prayed a quick prayer in faith. Long story short, that prayer led the pagan King to fund the rebuilding of the temple. Don’t underestimate prayer. While the secular culture shifts the blame on everyone else, let us bring our concerns to the throne room of heaven. God has more power than social media, Hollywood, and all of the pop-culture combined. Let’s pray and see him do the works that only the king of the universe can do.

2. Support

The next two ways to combat attacks from secularism is from the Apostle Paul.

So then, as we have an opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

Suppose a Christian has good a business support them in the way you can. There are so many good ways to support; investing, promoting, or buying their products. Encourage them, especially when times get tough. Doing good for the household of faith ultimately will spill over for the good of the culture and the glory of God.

3. Consistency

If we want to fight back at cancel culture, then as Christians, we better be consistent. Our verse says to do good to all. So if you are a Christian and your Muslim neighbour has a good restaurant, go there regularly and tip well. Get to know them and build a relationship. Each person is made in the image of God and is to be respected regardless of their faith, morals or religion. If a company is built on integrity, support and encourage them regardless of their background.

Summing it up

Fighting cancel culture works best by generosity and seeking a relationship. This is what our God has does for us. He generously gave his son, and we cancelled him by putting him on a cross. This didn’t stop God. He victoriously raised his son from the dead and now offers a relationship with us. Although we cancelled God, I am so glad he hasn’t cancelled us. Jesus is pursuing a people who hate him, and if they had an opportunity, they would crucify him again. The goal isn’t to cancel, cancel culture, it isn’t to join cancel culture, the goal is to love the culture by showing the world a better way. God’s way.